Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Elijah Michael Wheeler 11/09/08 7lbs 8oz

We had a beautiful baby boy Sunday morning at 10:10 a.m.To view his hospital picture, go to


Anonymous said...

Congrats Tracie and Brad,

Our Family wishes all of the best for Elijah and you new little family!

Love Connie Fargnoli

A baby boy

Author: Unknown

A baby boy was created
by the hand of God above
to give the world the sweetest touch
of tenderness and love.
With the softness of a whisper,
God made a baby's skin
and then designed two trusting eyes
to put the starlight in.
With giggles from a waterfall
and breezes passing by,
God made a baby's laughter
and a tiny, sleepy sigh.
God made the world a precious gift
more dear and pure than gold,
with little toes to play with
and tiny hands to hold
then brought into the sunshine
a precious baby boy
All wrapped up in a rainbow
of wonder, hope, and joy.

-unknown author

Kent, Jodie and Asher said...

He is gorgeous!! Boys are SOOO much fun! Enjoy him immensley and the pleasure that he brings to your life.

Renee Marquis Photography said...

Hey, Thank you for letting me part of this amazing moment!
Godbless and enjoy him, they grow up way too fast!