Monday, October 12, 2009

Just a little update...

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a while since I've been super busy this summer with my 11 month old, Elijah and also working weddings with my photographer friend Renee Marquis. I am posting a few pics of Elijah below as some of you haven't seen him in a while or at all. And no I do not have Elijah trained to edit my photos yet, even though it looks like it!! (By the way you need to check out my facebook page as Renee took some cute pics of Elijah on Sunday).
I did have the chance to finally get together with Chef Lee Dunham (An Affair to Remember Catering) at one of his events this weekend. I will be posting some of my favorite pics in the next day or so.

1 comment:

Renee Marquis Photography said...

Love the last one.... I can see him now as your editor ;)